Breakdowns and Repairs
For addresses and phone numbers see useful addresses.
Nearly all of the marinas and ports will have someone on site who could help, or will know of someone who will be able to offer assistance.
The holiday hire bases would also have an engineer on site that would be able to help in between looking after their own boats.
Chandleries are not plentiful along the canals. There is a big one at Compiegne and an even bigger one at Port Napoleon as well as Marine Diesel at Chitry-les-Mines, Corbigny, who will post spares to any part of France (poste-restante if necessary).
This year we have included names of repairers and chandleries along the waterways. If you have a choice use someone recommended by another boat owner.
Also in Burgundy try Simon Evans who now has a boatyard at Migennes 03 86 81 15 95.
Chandlery can also be obtained by post from Marine Diesel (Ted & John Johnson) at Chitry-les-Mines. They will post spares all over France, often using Poste Restante at a nominated post office. Tel: 03 86 20 14 80, website: email to: